Create Leaders Worth Following

From industry expert to inspirational leader. Discover our proven behavioural change methodology for individuals and organisations.

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Organisational Development

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Leaders Worth Following

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//has main shape //has a section affected by hover // holds outline text // holds outline text I r r e s i s t i b l e C o n fi d e n c e M a g n e t i c C o n v e r s a t i o n s D e e p R a p p o r t // holds outline text C ONNE C T Aloof ADORED // holds outline text // holds outline text S e n s o r y A c u i t y E m o t i o n a l M a s t e r y C o a c h i n g C o m p a s s i o n a t e // holds outline text UNDER S T AND Apathetic EM P A THETIC // holds outline text // holds outline text C o n g r u e n t P h y s i o l o g y C o m p e l l i n g L i n g u i s t i c s I n s i g h t f u l Q u e s t i o n s // holds outline text INF L UENCE Instructs IN V O L VES // holds outline text // holds outline text // holds outline text Leaders W orth F oll o wing App r ecia t e D i v ersi t y Uni t e E v e r y one Inspire Action

What is an Engaging Executive?

We have a name for a Leader Worth Following – an Engaging Executive. This is someone who effortlessly blends strong technical skills with exemplary people skills to get results and lead people to success.

They’ve mastered the art of connecting with internal and external stakeholders to make themselves part of the ‘in-group’ where decisions are made. They can easily understand the perspectives of others to handle conflict, motivate and capture people’s interest. They have become an asset to any organisation.

Behavioural Traction System ™

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//has main shape //has a section affected by hover // holds outline text // holds outline text B e s t P r a c t i c e S e l f A w a r e n e s s M u l t i - l a y e r e d R e i n f o r c e m e n t // holds outline text LEARNING Ignorance INSIGHT // holds outline text // holds outline text P r o l o n g e d I m m e r s i o n T a n g i b l e T o o l k i t R e a l - w o r l d A p p l i c a t i o n // holds outline text T R ANSFER Kn o wing DOING // holds outline text // holds outline text S e l e c t i v e S c r e e n i n g A c c o u n t a b i l i t y M e a s u r e s L e a r n e r S a f e t y // holds outline text C OMMI T MENT Indi ff e r ent INVE S TED // holds outline text // holds outline text Obse r v able Imp r o vment // holds outline text Behavioural Traction System™ R e t ained T alent Sus t ained Change

What our participants are saying

Most who start this program consider themselves to be in the ‘good’ category. But it becomes apparent that your own understanding of the depth of your emotional intelligence and engagement is put under the microscope in an enlightening way which provides a better informed perspective of exactly what work you have to do on your journey to ‘great’.

Senior Lawyer, Mid-Tier Law Firm

The Engaging Executive Program has turned around the way I think, act and see the world. My environment is the same, the matters I deal with are still complex and the needs of my clients remain important. The difference is in me and how I engage.

Human Resources Manager, Department of Social Services

I liken the Engaging Executive Program to somewhat of an interpersonal engagement ‘finishing school’. Regardless of your level of interpersonal maturity, I can guarantee that you’ll take something from it that will reap material benefits in your professional and personal life.

Network Engineer, Department of Defence

The best constructed learning design I have ever experienced. It beautifully balances theory with practicality in a supportive and fun environment with the challenge and pressure that I needed to go out of my comfort zone.

Senior Agile Coach, Commonwealth Bank

The Engaging Executive Program has made a difference to all aspects of my life-professionally and personally. I thought the book was great but the program beds it in and has given me a framework and tools that I use every day.

Chief Information Officer, National Library of Australia

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Where to from here?

Whether you are looking for yourself or on behalf of your organisation, we can help you take the next step.

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